Cheviot 99 is a peak bagging challenge that was created by Wanney Books a few years back. The challenge is to climb all 99 peaks in the Cheviot Hills that are over 300m in height and are on publicly accessible land.
The challenge is quite enjoyable even though the famous Cheviot bog has to be tackled on several occasions. Most of the National Park is an open access area which means that route possibilities are endless, and the challenge takes the intrepid explorer to remote but beautiful valleys, abandoned medieval villages, iron age hillforts, standing stones, cairns and stone circles, and really highlights the beauty of these remote hills.
The 99 peaks in the challenge are:
NT903178 above Breamish Head (504m)
NT915155 Ainsey Knowe (489m)
NT864116 Barrow Law (419m)
NT821143 Beefstand Hill (562m)
NT871206 Birnie Brae (508m)
NT861237 Black Hag (549m)
NT879244 Blackhaggs Rigg (452m)
NT902143 Bloodybush Edge (610m)
NT932234 Broadhope Hill (517m)
NT829113 Broadside Law (444m)
NT787093 Brownhart Law (508m)
NT773036 Byrness Hill (427m)
NT829121 Carlcroft Hill (447m)
NT982144 Cobden Cleuch Top (303m)
NU007140 Cochrane Pike (335m)
NT953238 Cold Law (452m)
NT954091 Cold Law (398m)
NT902241 Coldburn Hill (485m)
NT857282 Coldsmouth Hill (414m)
NT924187 Comb Fell (653m)
NT928137 Cushat Law (616m)
NT803101 Deel’s Hill (495m)
NT987208 Dod Hill (353m)
NT795022 Dour Hill (415m)
NT928116 Dryhope Hill (486m)
NT967182 Dunmoor Hill (569m)
NT915280 Easter Tor (438m)
NT742044 Echo Crags (460m)
NT872278 Ell’s Knowe (319m)
NU000150 Ewe Hill (315m)
NT955281 Gains Law (319m)
NT945095 Gills Law (412m)
NT885274 Great Hetha (343m)
NT941260 Great Moor East Top (354m)
NT906076 Green Side (396m)
NT761061 Greyhound Law (484m)
NT872292 Haddon Hill (352m)
NT867289 Haddon Hill SW Top (342m)
NT902265 Hare Law (519m)
NT967255 Hart Heugh (326m)
NT987061 Hart Law (342m)
NT877144 Hazely Law (498m)
NT943197 Hedgehope Hill (714m)
NT927162 High Cantle (481m)
NT968127 High Knowes (395m)
NT949127 Hogdon Law (548m)
NT775052 Houx Hill (492m)
NT747061 Hungry Law (501m)
NT926109 Inner Hill (443m)
NT885311 Kilham Hill (338m)
NT878173 Kings Seat (531m)
NT877112 Kyloe Shin (433m)
NT810133 Lamb Hill (511m, p23)
NT967220 Langlee Crags (424m)
NT728070 Leap Hill (471m)
NT866144 Little Ward Law (495m)
NT877256 Loft Hill (416m)
NT874301 Longknowe Hill (346m)
NT879306 Longknowe Hill NE Top (327m)
NT912079 Lords Seat (392m)
NT726054 Lumsdon Law (475m)
NT862267 Madam Law (397m)
NT976215 Middleton Crags (404m)
NT828150 Mozie Law (552m)
NT891112 Nettlehope Hill (488m)
NT908269 Newton Tors (537m)
NT776069 Ogre Hill (516m)
NU022141 Old Fawdon Hill (315m)
NT922237 Preston Hill (526m)
NT780062 Ravens Knowe (527m)
NT997176 Reaveley Hill (302m)
NT749049 Sandy Pike (476m)
NT868249 Saughieside Hill (487m)
NT891104 Saughy Hill (494m)
NT928218 Scald Hill (549m)
NT943153 Shill Moor (529m)
NT873096 Shillhope Law (501m)
NT937081 Silverton Hill (385m)
NT883262 Sinkside Hill (334m)
NT906118 Sneer Hill (452m)
NT837131 Swineside Law (457m)
NT909205 The Cheviot (815m)
NT766069 The Heart’s Toe (450m)
NT873133 The Middle (397m)
NT869223 The Schil (606m)
NT933280 Tom Tallon’s Crag (352m)
NT911086 Uplaw Knowe (371m)
NT864136 Ward Law (484m)
NT797117 Wedder Hill (455m)
NT940116 Wether Cairn (Wholhope Hill, 563m)
NU013144 Wether Hill (303m)
NT856261 White Law (430m)
NT942290 White Law (302m)
NT897096 Wholehope Knowe (443m)
NT855152 Windy Gyle (619m)
NT708066 Wooplaw Edge (459m)
NT887135 Yarnspath Law (541m)
NT817118 Yearning Law (477m)
NT929293 Yeavering Bell (361m)
You can create your own log for this challenge (and more peak bagging challenges in the UK) here:
In 2024, a dedicated Cheviot 99 peak bagging page will be unveiled on:
Our walks often climb several of the Cheviot 99 in one route. So, why not start bagging? 😉
The Cheviot99 page and league table are now live at